OutlierFlag: A Tool for Scientific Data Quality Control by Outlier Data Flagging


  • Shuai Huang Northwest University; Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3723-8464
  • Yaqiang Wang Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,
  • Yuanli Xie Northwest University
  • Peng Zhao University of Bayreut; University of Innsbruck
  • Johannes Lüers University of Bayreuth




data quality control, observational data, outlier data, Java, Sofware development


Scientific datasets collected by instruments usually include outliers which have to be flagged in data quality control process. OutlierFlag was developed to make this process accurate and simple by providing a suitable outlier data flagging algorithm and a user friendly GUI. The algorithm consists of three steps performed one by one: limitation check, error check and standard deviation check. Several parameters are configurable so the algorithm can be used for various datasets. OutlierFlag is an open source software written in Java and the MeteoInfo library was used for data plotting function.

Author Biographies

Shuai Huang, Northwest University; Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

Master graduate student at Northwestern University

Yaqiang Wang, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,

Dr.Wang, senior engineer of Institute of Atmospheric Composition, CAMS. He is mainly engaged in the study of atmospheric aerosol, GIS development and application.

Yuanli Xie, Northwest University

Professor of Collage of Urban and Environment Science, Northwest University. He is working at digital photogrammetry, remote sensing and geographic information system and related application in landscape ecology.

Peng Zhao, University of Bayreut; University of Innsbruck

ZHAO Peng Dr. rer. nat. M.Sc. B.Sc University of Bayreuth, now at University of Innsbruck, Institute of Ecology Research Group: Biometeorology

Johannes Lüers, University of Bayreuth

Professor of University of Bayreuth.






Software Metapapers